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We all need to stay healthy


If you are someone that finds it difficult to eat fruit or vegetables or keep off junk food then you might want to take some tips from Elizabeth from Gillingham.
This is her report on how to keep healthy.

"There are two things that you need to do to stay healthy - do some exercise and eat the right food.

If you already do daily exercise then you are fine, but if you don't do daily exercise then here are some ideas:
Walk to school or to your local supermarket.
Pick up a walking guide and go on some of the walks.
Get a little trampoline.

The government recommends five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
It can be hard to keep healthy, so why not try and make some of these recipes:
Banana cake, carrot cake, pumpkin soup, fruit smoothy

If you don't keep healthy then you could get high blood pressure and end up in hospital with a heart attack or cancer."

Elizabeth, 10, Gillingham